Floriade 2013

Yesterday I drove 6 hours to take a look at some flowers. You can tell from the photos that they aren't just any flowers: I went to Floriade in Canberra for the first time. It was a beautiful day for it- cool, crisp air and bright clear skies. It was an interesting experience- the display was primarily brightly coloured bulb displays, arranged in layers of colours and underplanted with pansies and violets. I was slightly disappointed that there wasn't more variety or creativity in the flower displays, but I was definitely impressed by the sheer quantity of bulbs that would have been required for the show.

I really enjoyed looking at the way they used similar coloured flowers to create a blur of colour and contrasting colours to create blocks. I think I prefer an aesthetic that places flowers in a broader context. For example, I absolutely loved the spanish bluebell display, but it would have been much more striking and meaningful if it was in context planted in a woodland rather than in a block between other bulbs!

It was worth the drive for a new experience, but I don't think it would become an annual event for me. I plan to visit one of my favourite gardens next week- the Mount Tomah Botanic gardens, and I will (hopefully) be able to post some picture of flowers in context!


  1. Reply
    Mike October 4, 2013

    This song reminded me of you and your gardening blog! https://soundcloud.com/courtney-barnett-milk/courtney-barnett-avant

    • Reply
      Farmer October 29, 2013

      Haha Love it! Fortunately have not yet been to hospital as a result of my hayfever.

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