
Orange Pigface

I kind of feel sorry for this plant. You have to admit, it’s an unkind name, particularly when the flowers are so striking. Pigface is a creeping succulent, with fleshy green leaves and trailing stems. Pigface loves a full sun position, and well drained soil. There are several varieties native to Australia, and you can obtain cultivars with different coloured flowers- I have both an orange and a red variety. Pigface flowers in early spring, and the lurid colours are a stand out in the garden. I use these plants as ground covers underneath roses and lavender, and the creeping tendrils fill in the gaps nicely.


The easiest method of propagating these plants is to lay out a long stem along the ground, and cover all but the last 2-3 cm with soil. The plant roots easily, as each node had the ability to form roots. You can also grow from cuttings- simply cut about 10cm from the end of a stem, place into potting mix and keep moist until it takes root. Alternately, you could place cuttings where you want them to grow in the garden using a similar method and most should survive.



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